
The Hump Day News, or “HDN” as we call it, is our weekly club information email that ‘usually’ gets sent out on Wednesdays, hence the name.  A lot of good information updated every week!

This is a benefit that is only available to our current club members in good standing.

If you have anything to submit, just send an email to our club’s Communications Director via the Contact Us page, and they’ll get the word out.

Emails -This is our primary way of getting you the information.

Our club has 2 email groups. The PHoPS Announcement Group is for official club information sent out to the membership by the Board of Directors. The Member Interaction List Group other is for club members to use to share parrot head related items of interest. These are both closed groups for our members only.

Newsletter – For information, please check our Newsletter page.

Website – If you have a question pertaining to PHoPS or about anything parrot head related, this is the place to find the answer. And if you can’t find it here, just ask!

Facebook – We do have a club Facebook page.  It’s worth checking out. We do post a lot of phun things. Please ‘Like’ us!

Twitter – We have a club Twitter account. It is worth checking out. And we do post info all the time. Please ‘Follow’ us to get the latest tweet!

More To Come!


Northwest Latitudes, Laid-Back Attitudes